Monday, April 23, 2012

Birthday Week...

You guys, 5 days.  Five. Days.  I can't believe my sweet baby is going to be two.  Insane.  

Today marks the start of birthday week.  I'm already teary.  He's our absolute pride and joy, our little man.  How am I going to make it when he goes to Kindergarten?  College?  I'm already choked up.  

Do any of you feel this way, or is it just me?  I'm kind of an emotional basket case.  

I love this age, though.  Nothing is sweeter than having conversations with Knox.  His little voice, the inflections he puts on the words and things he loves.  Bliss.  

So, to start the week, I thought we'd put a few pictures up of how it all began.  Get ready to have a week filled with picture overload.  You know you love it!

It wasn't my intention to be in the pictures, but he was super fussy.  I promise I wouldn't have put my hair in a ponytail if I thought I was going to be behind the camera.

And yes, this happened.  Among other things, ahem.

Love this little nugget!


  1. 2 years! It's amazing how fast time flies when you're SO in love:) Give that lil stinker a big hug and kiss from his aunt, uncle and cousins down here in Austin - WE LOVE HIM!!

  2. Love the picture overload. ;) Don't you just get caught staring at him, wishing for him to stay this way as long as he can? I do it EVERYday!
