This past week Knox and I had fun visitors from out of town...both named Sarah! Sarah C. flew in from Belgium to visit, and Sarah F. and Dean from Houston. We loved getting to see both ladies, and sweet Dean and Knox loved chillin'. At least we think so.
We decided to hit up the Dallas World Aquarium with the kiddos. It was awesome. Knox slept the entire time, but Dean was in awe of all the new creatures and big fish. The adults enjoyed the sites, too. Too bad we forgot the cameras...iPhone pics will have to do!

Myself, Knox, Dean and Sarah F.

Minimal danger, but notice his eyes opened to be sure

Dean loved the fish

The next afternoon, Sarah C., Knox and I headed out to Southfork Ranch to catch the tour of "Dallas." Sarah had watched the series' re-runs as a kid in Scotland, so she was quite nostalgic. It was before my time here in the states, but our tour guide brought it to life for us...and insisted we take pictures all over the house. I again forgot my camera (won't make it a habit, no worries), so these are "non-iPhone user" quality, i.e. blurry.

outside the mansion

With J.R.

On Lucy's bed

On Lucy's rocking chair

Sarah with the clan
Stephen and I took some pics for Sarah C. to have when she goes back across the pond, so I thought I'd share.