We're in a constant "vacation" state, both figuratively and literally. Since we moved to Austin, we've semi-moved in to my parents, but it still feels like we're just staying for a little while. And then when we leave town, we really feel out of sorts. What's home? Can we handle packing another suitcase?
We're blessed, and we know it...but the blog has been lacking. Now I get to play catch up!!
Two weekends ago my brother, Jeremy, competed in the CrossFit Regionals competition. It's a really big deal, and he did amazing! Since it was in San Antonio, we decided to make a weekend of it and take Knox. We'll probably not take him next year (ha!), but we had a great time and took advantage of all that San Antonio has to offer...meaning we ate a lot, took a boat tour and almost got caught in flash flooding. No big deal.
Parenting Award--9:45pm, McFlurry and a boat ride!
It worked out well!
Knox loved the cafe in the hotel...living the life!
We got home on Sunday evening, and Monday was Memorial Day. I'm so mad I don't have any pictures...but all 10 adults and 8 grandkids were swimming away from 9:30am-7pm (well, Knox stayed in the hot tub until past 8). Awesome time with the family, and made us appreciate all the cousins being so close!
We stayed in Austin last week, then hit the road again on Friday morning to visit my sweet Nani in Tulsa. She has recently moved out of her home and into an Alzheimer's facility, and my dad needed to head up there to close out some things. Since Stephen hadn't ever been to their place in Owasso, I wanted to tag along. I'm so glad we went, but Friday night was a terrible evening for OK. The tornadoes were in full force all over OKC, and were threatening to hit Tulsa as well. Thankfully, we made it out safely...but let's just say I was a little nervous. We passed the time playing cards and drinking our courage!
See that radar? Terrifying!
All terror aside, the next morning we headed over to their old place and were able to snag a few of their old things and keepsakes, and also visit with all of the neighbors (that happen to be family as well!). Jason, my cousin, and his wife and baby bought Nani and Papa's house, so it will stay in the family. Isn't that awesome!! Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of me suffocating their newest addition, Raylan. Three week old babies might be the most addicting thing ever!!
The best part of the weekend, though, was loving on Nani! Alzheimer's is a nasty, nasty disease, and it's heartbreaking to see someone you love having to go through it. But there are bright spots, too. We walked in while she was eating, and we said hi but let her finish.
Once she was done, she came over to us and sat down. We chat for a minute, and then dad asked her if she knew who he was. She nodded, and said "Michael William." I know how much it meant to my dad that she remember him, and it made the whole visit worth it. We noticed she had some soreness in her legs, so we walked to her room and I gave her a pseudo-pedicure while she sad in a reclined chair. She was so appreciative, and let me know how good it felt numerous times. She didn't recognize me right away, instead thinking I was my cousin, but later it clicked with her. I showed her the picture of our family, and she smiled and commented on how beautiful Knox's eyes were. Not sure why, but that's what did it and I was a mess. After finishing her pedicure, she just sat and relaxed. Dad went over to her to chat, and she paused, staring intently into his eyes. Then she delicately caressed his face and said "You're precious." Again, I lost it...but captured the moment:

I think this picture will go down as one of my favorite pictures...I just love the moment shared between the two of them.
It was an emotional visit, but I'm so thankful we were able to love on her and visit as long as we did. She really is such an important part of all of our lives, and it was nice to see her well-taken care of and in a great facility.
We rounded out the trip seeing one of my college besties, Lacie, for breakfast. She is a news anchor in Tulsa, so she had quite the busy weekend covering all the mayhem. It's always nice to catch up, especially with those with whom you don't really ever "skip a beat."
While we were in Tulsa, Knox was having a blast in Katy with Mimi and Papa. They had a packed weekend, involving a Dinosaur exhibit, his first dip in the ocean, a shopping center grand opening, frozen yogurt, parks, swimming in the backyard, playing with daddy's old Lego's and cars, and of course snuggles and movies. I'm exhausted just typing that, so I'm sure Mimi and Papa are recovering!
So, there's your recap...but I feel like it wouldn't be right without giving you an update on the home! We now have texture!!