I arrived in Austin on July 3rd, and was welcomed at the airport by my entire family...babies included. My mom made some REALLY cute signs that said "Welcome home KT" with little holes cut out for Mackenzie and Olivia's faces...it was adorable! I can't describe how excited I was to see my nieces. Though Mackenzie was a little frightened by my loud entrance and Olivia was asleep, everything mellowed down and the night ended with gelato and an early bedtime, but not before I "re-introduced" myself to Bella. She had a little trouble remembering me at first, but then she fell back into place!
The rest of the weekend was pretty chill...we relaxed, shopped and ate :) Heaven, right? Mom and I made the trek to Dallas soon after everyone left, and I did almost exactly the same things in Dallas...food, family and shopping! Brooke, who is 6 months pregnant and "glowing," met me for lunch one day, and Lorie and Jesse met me for lunch another day! It was nice to get to see them and catch up! One night Kelly and I went out for dinner and then out on the town! We always have too much fun! Another night we went to a Rangers game with Jeremy and Lindsay, his friends, and Stefani and Jordan met us up there. It was really hot, but I think everyone enjoyed the walk-off home run ending...it was pretty cool! Glenda and RP made a special trip up to see me, too. We went to dinner with Kelly and had a great time talking and catching up as well! It was so nice to be back, to see everyone, and to wear summer clothes in summer weather. (It's been averaging about 60 degrees here and raining here, boo!)
The Friday before I left (Saturday), my Aunt Julie drove my grandparents up to Dallas so they could hang out with me and the babies for the weekend. I was only able to see them for dinner on Friday and breakfast the next morning, but it was so nice!!! I hadn't seen them since the wedding, and the time spent with them was amazing! I miss them a great deal...and how cute are they? We had a great time, and of course they were completely spoiling the babies (and the babies loved it).

I arrived back in Belgium (to cold weather :( ) on Sunday morning. Stephen and I had some breakfast and headed home so I could take a nap. We then took a late afternoon stroll, had some dinner and caught up. It was so nice to be back in the states and see my family, it was a treat to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while, and it was wonderful to spend time with my grandparents. A very good trip...and now that I'm home I feel equally blessed to have a husband who loves having me home, a job and a life that's full of fun and crazy European adventures. I don't think if you'd asked me 6 months ago I would be ok coming back...but it wasn't a terrible transition. Of course it was really sad to leave, but this isn't permanent, we'll be back before we know it!

Things are full swing here, I'm busy and enjoying work. Stephen and I are busy booking trips before we come home next summer, and life is good! Thanks for praying for us, loving us, and sharing this adventure with us! A Bientot!
I arrived back in Belgium (to cold weather :( ) on Sunday morning. Stephen and I had some breakfast and headed home so I could take a nap. We then took a late afternoon stroll, had some dinner and caught up. It was so nice to be back in the states and see my family, it was a treat to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while, and it was wonderful to spend time with my grandparents. A very good trip...and now that I'm home I feel equally blessed to have a husband who loves having me home, a job and a life that's full of fun and crazy European adventures. I don't think if you'd asked me 6 months ago I would be ok coming back...but it wasn't a terrible transition. Of course it was really sad to leave, but this isn't permanent, we'll be back before we know it!
Things are full swing here, I'm busy and enjoying work. Stephen and I are busy booking trips before we come home next summer, and life is good! Thanks for praying for us, loving us, and sharing this adventure with us! A Bientot!
Katie and Stephen...
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading about your
adventures, and living
vicariously through you two!!
Cindy Gatewood