Q: What did 50 cent say when Eminem made him a sweater?
A: Gee, you knit?
If you don't get it, I'm not explaining it.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A little surprise goes a long way...
Stephen left me a sweet message to enjoy upon getting out of the shower today! It was the perfect surprise. My husband is amazing, and deserves a little public recognition :)
Don't be a hater!
Doesn't she look adorable??
Friday, January 25, 2008
Here comes the sun....
Woo Hoo!!! January has been so depressing here...the weather has been yucky! But, today changed it all! It's gorgeous outside! I needed it. It's been a while since I've updated the blog, mostly because I didn't have fantastic things to tell you. It's been pretty ho-hum here. But, I'll do my best to fill you in. Training is going great! I've had to run in the rain and terrible winds lately, but it's not that bad. I've gotten over myself :) The half marathon is in 7 weeks, and with it comes the DOTSON'S!!! I'm very excited they are going to be here soon. We will be spending a few days in Portugal (the race is in Lisbon) and then heading to the countryside of France for a week. Stephen is REALLY looking forward to some vacation time, and I'm looking forward to fellow English speakers, and family to boot!! It will be a great time.
Gracie is getting well adjusted here as well. Every Sunday she gets a park adventure...she really loves those, as she can bark freely, roll in sick things, and people watch, race Stephen. She truly enjoys it...especially the bath afterwards (sense any sarcasm??). We hiked up to the Citadel (where the big steps are) a few Sundays ago, and she was able to pose on the overlook! She doesn't get along with our landlords dog too well...she thinks she's better, which she is. Every time Cleo is downstairs while we are going outside, she avoids her at all costs-but then again, she did that with Bella, so maybe she's just anti-social with canines...she sure loves humans :)
It's a....

Thursday, January 10, 2008

We've been here over 5 months now...can you believe it? Though some of you have forgotten about us, and some of you are glad we've been away 5 months...we miss everyone. It doesn't get any easier with time. In fact, I think it gets worse. Those inside jokes are forgotten, the little texts and phone calls are lost, and we're still here. My sister has been gone a week tomorrow, and it's still painful. I miss her tremendously! We have so much fun together, laughing IS good medicine! All of this can be numbing at times, but then you wake up on a day like today, the sun is shining bright over the river, casting pink and purple shadows over the city, and you stand in awe of what God has done...not just in our lives, but in general. He wakes us up every morning with a beautiful kiss from the sun (I'm exaggerating a little, cause usually it's fog and rainy here...but work with me) and He puts you to sleep with the stars. I'm learning, of all things, perspective. I would love to sulk and in my hardships and suffering, but how can you with all of the good that surrounds us? Laugh when something strikes you as funny, breathe in deep when you're taken back, and love completely and unashamedly! Take a moment to look around you...I'm sure each of you has a pretty good view :)
"I trust in God's faithful love forever and ever. I will praise You forever for what You have done. In the presence of Your faithful people, I will put my hope in Your name, for it is good. " Psalm 52:8-9
"But I will hope continually and will praise You more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteousness and Your salvation all day long, though I cannot sum them up." Psalm 71:14-15
Monday, January 7, 2008

For the rest of the pics: http://picasaweb.google.com/katie.dotson/ParisFrance
Sunday, January 6, 2008
A Little Drama????
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