Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pumpkin Pics

Hey, at least I got to this before Thanksgiving...and I'm going to post Halloween next.  Totally on a roll!

Knox wasn't too keen on going to a pumpkin patch.  I would mention it every so often, and was always met with "I don't want to see pumpkins," or "I don't want you to take my picture."  Then we heard about a small pumpkin patch at Revival, a local artsy/interior design place, and I knew he would be sold.  Why, you ask?  Probably because of Hamlet, the resident pot-bellied pig that runs freely on the grounds.  Yes.  He was sold.

In front of the store, they had this old truck and pumpkin set up, so I tried to take advantage--while battling the wind.

Just a swinging with Hamlet.

The forced smile

A more natural one

And then pure joy, when I finally let him do what he wanted to do the whole time...ride the horsies!

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