Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Knox's first fever.

I hate this.  It's no surprise that the winter is harsh on little ones, and we've been really lucky in the fact that he hasn't been sick yet! But it's hit.  We got home from Austin on Sunday and Stephen thought he felt warm.  Sure enough, 102.9.  Wowzers.  We gave him some medicine, and thankfully it didn't go up.  Unfortunately, the next morning it was up again so we went to the doctor.  He didn't have any other symptoms besides the fever, so she took some blood and found an elevated white blood count...infection.  So, we're on Amoxicillin and Motrin for the fever, and hoping he feels better soon!  Real soon.  He looks pitiful!


  1. aww, poor little guy! :( I hope he feels better REAL soon too!

  2. Poor thing! The only way we can get Emily to take her medicine is in her bottle, just in case he spits it out through the dropper.

  3. Aww poor buddy!! That is so pitiful! It almost seems like it's worse for the Mama having to look at those precious, sad eyes. Hope he feels better soon!

  4. awww poor baby. loved the christmas card!

  5. POOR PUNKIN! I hate it when they are sick! Praying Knox is feeling better very soon!!

  6. Oh no - that's the worst feeling! Knowing they don't feel well and there is nothing you can do for them. I hope he gets better soon!!
